
What are Augmented Reality Analytics?

What are Augmented Reality Analytics?
Metalitix Editor
What are Augmented Reality Analytics?

The landscape of sales and marketing in 2023 looks very different than it did 5 years ago. The word “Metaverse” wasn’t even in the public lexicon, while augmented reality (AR) was a buzzword known only to a few. Now, however, times are changing, and the shift in how consumers interact with businesses will only become more pronounced in the coming years and, indeed, decades. As organisations start to offer their customers more engaging and interactive experiences, the role of augmented reality in sales and marketing is only set to increase.

However, it’s not enough to simply offer these services without understanding their impact. After all, how can you be sure of the success and failures of a service without proper measurement? This is where augmented reality analytics come into play, enabling businesses to collect, collate, and analyse customer behaviour. In this blog we will delve a little deeper into what augmented reality analytics means, some of the different metrics you should be tracking, the benefits, and many use cases. So, if you’ve got a few minutes, this blog could help you get ahead of the curve and set you up for the next stage in online marketing.

Why use Augmented Reality?

Analytics for Augmented Reality

Augmented reality marketing is an excellent way to boost customer engagement, awareness, and perceived brand value. But that’s not all. Studies have shown that by implementing an effective AR strategy, you could see conversion rates increase by up to 40%.

By offering an impressive and interactive AR experience for your customers, you’ll stand out from your competitors and stick in the minds of potential customers in ways that traditional 2D media simply can’t. In fact, it’s been reported that 57% of users are more likely to buy from a brand offering AR experiences. So, if you haven’t already, why not get in on the ground floor and craft your own AR campaigns?

What are AR Analytics?

ar analytics

Just like traditional 2D analytics pulled from the likes of Google and Facebook, AR analytics are used to look at how your customers are interacting with your AR campaigns. Monitoring metrics such as engagement rates, dwell time, and Metaverse analytics will give you valuable insights into customer behaviour. This allows you to fine tune your AR tactics and get the best return of investment possible. If you’re not sure of which metrics to start with, don’t worry. We’re here to help.

Engagement Rate

Much like with traditional 2D analytics, engagement rate is one of the primary metrics to keep track of in the AR sphere. It traditionally has referred to the percentage of users who interact with your ads, whether it be likes, shares, social media comments, or otherwise. The same is true of AR experiences, but also includes things like scanning activation QR codes or manually accessing the experience within a mobile web browser.

This is critical for any business offering AR, helping them to pinpoint which experiences are offering a return on investment, and which are not. 

Page Views

There are two types of page views: unique and page view per user. The former refers to the first time a new user visits the page, while the latter tracks the number of times the same user views a page. In tracking page views, you’ll be able to determine how many users interact with your AR experiences and how frequently. This can be particularly useful for optimisation. For example, you might find that certain demographics or locations interact more frequently with certain types of experiences over others, allowing you to craft your AR to appeal to specific audiences.

Dwell Time

This refers to how much time a user spends engaging with an AR experience. By tracking this metric, you’ll get a firm idea of which AR campaigns are most engaging for your users. By crafting experiences that hold their attention for longer, you’ll see an increase in other types of engagement – such as likes and shares – which will in turn improve ROI.

Metalitix and Metaverse Analytics

augmented reality analytics

Also known as spatial analytics within a 3D scene, metaverse analytics are used to track user behaviour within the Metaverse. Within this burgeoning online space, you can gain many valuable insights using Metalitix. But what is the metaverse?

The simplest way to define the metaverse would be a sort of virtual 3D internet. While it is still a relatively new concept, we are not far from it playing a much larger role in our lives. Within the metaverse, users interact with an immersive digital world that simulates reality, with use cases as wide ranging as gaming, social media, education, and online shopping. 

As the metaverse starts to play a larger role in our daily lives, tracking metrics such as user locations, interactions, movements, and even eye-tracking will be invaluable to any businesses looking to optimise their AR and VR experiences.

Benefits of Augmented Reality Analytics

For the modern business, the benefits of augmented reality data analytics are plain to see. For starters, AR analytics allow organisations to measure how their users are interacting with their AR experiences in real time with pinpoint accuracy. This data means companies can reappraise their AR experiences and optimise them for maximum engagement and higher ROI. And because AR is still in its infancy, crafting the best possible AR campaigns allows businesses to get ahead of the curve, and the competition.

Measure AR Analytics with Metalitix

If you want to take your AR campaigns to the next level, there’s never been a better time.  Futureproof your business with Metalitix by contacting us here.

Learn more at metalitix.com, or book a demo to get started today.

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