
Introducing 3D Zone Filtering: Revolutionizing Spatial Analytics

Introducing 3D Zone Filtering: Revolutionizing Spatial Analytics
Metalitix Editor
Introducing 3D Zone Filtering: Revolutionizing Spatial Analytics

At Metalitix, we are continually innovating to empower businesses and developers in the metaverse with advanced spatial analytics tools. Our latest feature, 3D Zone Filtering, represents a significant leap forward in how you can interact with and derive insights from your 3D immersive environments. 

This new functionality enables users to filter sessions in their virtual space using 3D zones that check for gaze and position activity. This level of precision and customization is designed to help you better understand user behavior, optimize experiences, and make more informed decisions.

The Challenge of 3D Analytics

As the digital world evolves from 2D websites to 3D immersive environments, the need for sophisticated analytics tools has never been greater. Traditional 2D analytics tools fall short in capturing the complexities and nuances of 3D experiences. Analysts often find themselves limited when trying to understand how users interact within these multi-dimensional spaces. 

Frequently, they might come across a region of interest—such as a product  in a retail showroom or a frequently viewed room in a virtual tour—and want to know what sessions generated those interactions. Without the ability to filter and drill down into specific regions, valuable insights can be lost in the vast sea of data.

The Solution: 3D Zone Filtering

Recognizing this gap, we developed the 3D Zone Filtering feature to enhance the Metalitix spatial analytics platform. This innovative tool allows users to define specific 3D zones within their scenes and filter session data based on interactions within these zones. By introducing 3D filters to the custom filtering window, users can now include or exclude sessions that generate gaze or position data in designated areas.

For instance, you can include all sessions that have looked at a particular product display in a virtual store, or exclude sessions that have bypassed a key interactive element in a virtual training module. This granular level of control transforms how you can analyze and interpret user behavior in 3D environments.

Key Features of 3D Zone Filtering

  1. Creating and Editing Filters: Users can easily create and edit filters through an intuitive interface. When creating a filter, a prompt appears, allowing users to specify whether to include or exclude sessions based on gaze or position data. Users can toggle between cube and sphere regions, adjusting dimensions and positions as needed.
  1. Dynamic Interaction Points: The 3D Zone Filtering tool allows users to manipulate regions directly within the 3D scene. Cubes and spheres can be resized and repositioned by dragging faces or using transformation controls. This dynamic interaction makes it simple to fine-tune filters to match the specific layout and elements of your 3D environment.
  1. Color-Coded Regions: To ensure clarity, include regions are colored green and exclude regions are colored red. Additionally, the words “(Include)” and “(Exclude)” are appended to account for colorblindness, ensuring accessibility for all users.
  1. Comprehensive Filter Management: Users can add up to five gaze filters and five position filters per project. These filters are managed through a user-friendly interface, allowing for easy reordering and deletion. The order of the filters determines the sequence in which they are processed, ensuring that data is filtered accurately and efficiently.
  1. Enhanced Session Analysis: Once filters are applied, the heatmap, sessions, and metrics tabs update to reflect the filtered data. This real-time feedback allows analysts to quickly assess the impact of their filters and make adjustments as needed.

The Benefits of 3D Zone Filtering

The introduction of 3D Zone Filtering brings numerous benefits to our users:

  • Precision and Accuracy: By focusing on specific regions within a 3D environment, analysts can gain more precise insights into user behavior and interactions.
  • Improved User Experience: Understanding how users interact with different parts of your virtual environment allows you to optimize the layout and elements, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: With clearer insights, businesses can make more informed decisions to improve engagement, increase ROI, and drive innovation.
  • Flexibility and Customization: The ability to create and manage multiple filters provides a high level of flexibility, allowing users to tailor their analysis to meet specific needs and objectives.

How to Get Started

Integrating 3D Zone Filtering into your Metalitix projects is straightforward. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Create Your Project
  2. Upload Your 3D Scene
  3. Install the Logger into your Experience to collect data.
  4. Define Your Filters: Use the 3D Zone Filtering tool to define specific zones and set your inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Looking Ahead

The 3D Zone Filtering feature is just one of the many ways Metalitix is pushing the boundaries of spatial analytics. As we continue to innovate, we remain committed to providing our users with the tools they need to unlock the full potential of their 3D immersive environments. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and features from Metalitix.

Embrace the future of spatial analytics with Metalitix and transform how you understand and optimize your virtual experiences. Learn more at metalitix.com, or book a demo to get started today.

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